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26th International WDR Europaforum 2024

Event Archive

20rd May, 2021

Emancipation in times of crisis – Europe’s road to greater autonomy

TV and livestream

23rd May, 2019

Shaping Europe together
Time for a new European confidence

Federal Foreign Office Berlin

7th June, 2018

Rethinking Europe
Politics and prospects of the European Union

Federal Foreign Office Berlin

1st June, 2017

Europe – more or less?
For a Union we wish to live in

Federal Foreign Office Berlin

12th May, 2016

Europe without Europeans? The EU in Crisis Mode. Europe is changing

Federal Foreign Office Berlin

7th May, 2015

Europe’s new Disorder
Euro Crisis, Debt Crisis – now the political Crisis?

European Parliament Brussels

8th May, 2014

Which Europe do we want? Perspectives of a common EU-Policy

Federal Foreign Office Berlin

16th May, 2013

Europe the Future!
European Germany – German Europe?

Federal Foreign Office Berlin

9th May, 2012

Europe without Alternative? Perspectives of a new EU Policy

European Parliament Brussels

26th May, 2011

The Crisis is not over! Perspectives of a new EU Policy

Federal Foreign Office Berlin

6th May, 2010

Europe after Lisbon
What does the European Union want?

Federal Foreign Office Berlin

8th May, 2009

Europe in the Crisis
Who protects the Citizens?

German Bundestag Berlin

8th-9th May, 2008

Europe’s New Start
Where is the EU heading?

Castle of Ljubljana

9th-10th May, 2007

Rethinking Europe!
The Globalisation of the European Union

Federal Foreign Office Berlin

9th-10th May, 2006

Europe’s uncertain Future Strategies for a new EU Policy

Federal Foreign Office Berlin

27th-28th September, 2005

Europe at the Turning Point Perspectives for European Integration

European Parliament Strasbourg

18th-19th November, 2004

Borderless Europe
What holds the EU together?

Hofburg Vienna

5th-6th November, 2003

More Europe!
The new Community of Twenty-Five

Schloss Bellevue Berlin
Kleist Forum Frankfurt (Oder)

3rd-4th December, 2002

Europe facing the Decision
EU Enlargement and global Challenges

European Parliament Brussels

8th-9th November, 2001

Europe’s new Borders
The eastward Enlargement of the European Union

Presidential Palace Warsaw

7th-8th November, 2000

Superpower of the Future?

European Parliament Brussels

15th January, 1999

Where to, Europe?
Searching for a European Identity

Westdeutscher Rundfunk Cologne

28th February, 1997

The future of the Information Society

Westdeutscher Rundfunk Studio Bonn